
  • Development period: 02.2023 - now
  • Development status: Active
  • Team size: 6
  • Created by me: Player Manager, Music pattern recognition, Music session (with starter)

A game where you create music mimicking way of playing on real instruments, trying to suit the tastes of people in crowd. Linked repo and contains prototype build created on Unity. Right now we're working on creating our own game engine and porting game features.


  • Development period: 06.2022 - now
  • Development status: Active
  • Team size: 2
  • Created by me: Player Manager, NPC system, combat system, main hero graphics & animations, audio system

Platformer game with cute but dangerous guinea pig hero, that moves and fights with a help of a staff

The Plague

  • Development period: 10.2022 - 02.2023
  • Development status: Suspended
  • Team size: 3
  • Created by me: Player Manager, NPC system, combat system (with other team member); cursor, NPC & scythe sprite

A rogue-like game where you combine weapons to make them more powerful

Kenaz Engine

  • Development period: 10.2022 - 02.2023
  • Development status: Suspended
  • Team size: 1

An SDL-based game engine with joystick support and simple platformer game developed on it


Bydgoszcz | Łódź, Poland