
Polish (native), English (C1)


Lodz University on Technology, Applied IT, Technology of Computer Games and Simulations (5th semester)


Teyon, 5 weeks of apprenticeship

Known tools & programs

Version control

  • Git & GitHub: Intermediate
  • Perforce: Familiar
  • Subversion: Familiar

I'm using GitHub many times a week, thanks to group projects at university. I can use branches, merge them together and I've made a pull request few times. I've briefly used Perforce to synchronize game project between me and friends (which required from me setting up server). In Subversion I can check and manage changed files, synchronize my changes with server and manage locks.

Project management

  • Trello: Intermediate
  • Jira: Familiar
  • Zapier: Familiar

I'm using Trello to keep track of studies' tasks as well as use it as a project management tool. I've created various automations, from adding labels and users to keeping done things organized into weekly created lists. Jira was briefly used by me while helping with bigger project. Thanks to that I've learned not only to update and close tickets, but also reference them in commits. I created simple integration via Zapier that sends notification on Discord (with relevant data) whenever a card is moved on board.

Game engines

  • Unity (2022): Intermediate
  • Unreal Engine (5): Familiar
  • I've been using Unity for a long time. Although I do not know how to use all of its features (for example, I've only briefly experimented with Render Pipeline), I think I have some knowledge of engine's best practices. Unreal Engine 5.0.1 and 5.0.2 was used by me for about a year, I can use blueprints, write classes and use data structures (e.g. enums).

Graphics creation

  • Blender: Intermediate
  • Substance Painter: Familiar
  • I'm using Blender to create game models, animations and my own renders. I can use nodes and right now I'm learning how to use python to create plugins. Depending on type of project and time available, my workflow may include sculpting, remeshing, rigging, creating animations, experimenting with nodes/texturing in Substance Painter and rendering.

Thanks for scrolling this far! Here are some pictures of my guinea pig


Bydgoszcz | Łódź, Poland